Thursday, January 14, 2010

Washing intestine

Following a very interesting writing, extract from the beautiful ebook Life Style Without Food, about what to do during a fast, the detailed instruction on how to cleaning the intestine through enema, erbal laxative and various juices. I think that this person is very wise on that matter and a very advanced spiritual beeing. A must to read for a people who want and healthy and happy life.

The author: Joachim M Werdin
Title of the original „Styl ¯ycia Bez Jedzenia”.
Second edition, year 2005, translated from Polish by the author
This book exists only in electronic form.
email: jmw at rosperos dot com
web sites: or

Enema, about which many scientific papers and books were written, about
which many people think with disgust, and they've never made it, is very
beneficial for the human body. I wont tell everything about this topic here,
but if I was to summarize it in just one short sentence, I would say: The
deeper and the oftener (within the limits of the reason, of course), the
The large intestine is the place, from which different substances are being
absorbed into the body, including all toxins oozed by putrefying mixtures.
Everything is directly absorbed by the blood and then circulates through the
whole body.
The internal side of the large intestine is covered with villi, thanks to which
the absorbing process can run smoothly enough. During the passing years of
life mucus-and-gum like substance precipitate on the villi. Other substances
of difficult to assay composition stick to it. Gradually something looking
like gum-insulation is being formed, which makes the proper absorbing of
the nutrients into the blood difficult or impossible.
Besides, this layer is a friendly environment for many bad bacteria, fungus,
mold and other parasites. Proliferating colonies of these parasites and their
excrements damage the bacterial flora (necessary for the intestine proper
work), poison the blood and, as a result, the whole body. This is how
originate a favorable basis for many illnesses of which suffer more and
more representatives of the terrestrial civilization, and which grows like an
epidemic (e.g. cancer, allergy, diabetes).
The doctors applying hydrocolonotherapy say that a matter can be washed
out from the large intestine, which is a residue from what the person ate
years ago. This happens because the layer of mucus and fecalith grows
thicker with the course of time, if the diet is not right. This layer constrict
the diameter of the large intestine and gradually makes it impossible for the
body to absorb anything except products of the putrefying matter.
Then the liver becomes intoxicated so much that it is unable to neutralize
all of toxins. Such a person is under the influence of poisons all the time.
This can be clearly seen on the face and the whole skin. Illnesses happening
often, feeling of tiredness, headaches, faster aging of the skin, dim or even
yellow eyes are all symptoms clearly indicating poisoned body, with the
origin coming from the large intestine.

Cleaning the internal side of the intestine brings back its proper functions,
which in turn makes the body healthy.
When one stops eating the intestine first slows down and then stops
working. Remains of the digested food remain in the intestine, it also is the
case with the mucus-and-gum like substance on the side and the fecalith.
New matter does not flow into the intestine, so the old one is not moved
out. The matter remaining in the large intestine changes into hard lumps,
which presence in there isn't beneficial for the body, for sure. It may be a
nest of parasites.
The remaining matter and the mucus gluing the villi in the large intestine
can be washed out with water — a simple and efficient method. This in
many cases brings back health or even saves the life of a person (whose
body had toxins, tumor, parasites). That's why flushing the intestine with
water may be so important. For sure it can be said, enema is life saving. In
case of many illnesses deep, well done washing of the large intestine is
enough to remove the cause of the illness and heal the person.
I use to frankly tell people (especially those who consider enema to be a
disgusting thing) this truth: You have the choice, because you can, you do
not have to, wash the intestine. However, if you wash out its contents, you
throw out rot from your body. If you leave it in there, you are putrefying
from the inside.
From the day that you stop eating, wash the large intestine at least once a
week. Every person decides for him/herself about the frequency of the
enemas, which suits him/her. A good procedure is to rinse the intestine once
a day in the first week of fasting, once in two days in the second week, and
twice a week later.
The intestine is washed with water until it is completely clean inside. This
may take from a week to a few months, depending on the skill of the
particular person. Especially the gum-like mucus needs a lot of work
because it tears slowly and resistantly. Usually many rinses are needed in
order to fully clean the internal side of the large intestine.
Of course, efficiency of the intestine purification mostly depends on the
skill of the particular person. Complete purity of the intestine, from the anus
until the point where the large intestine connects with the appendix, needs
exercising and enemas repeated many times.

People constructed apparatuses which helps to wash the whole large
intestine. There are efficient and usable ones among them. However if you
want to be independent from any apparatuses, you can learn to do ordinary
Doing frequent washing of the intestine will work out the best method for
you. You can modify and apply in any way that suits you the advices
written here.
At the beginning you can imagine that the large intestine is a pleated and
very curved tube, like the one of a vacuum cleaner, and has the form of the
U letter put upside-down. So ask yourself: What should I do to wash out the
contents of this tube? What to do with the water and the body? What kind
of movements and positions of the body to do in order to wash out, with
water, the whole tube from the beginning to the end?
The large intestine is washed with water at the temperature from about
15oC to 45oC, although some specialists advice even hotter. Try first hot and
then cold enema in one sitting, do it alternatively. The water is poured in
from a few to more than a dozen times. Pour in as much water as you can
hold, but do not exaggerate. The slower you pour in the water, with breaks,
the more can hold inside. More water poured in washes better and deeper.
Of course, do not exaggerate because the intestine is not a balloon. From a
half to two liters of water can go in (some people can hold more) in one
When the water is inside, do some movements. When you keep in mind that
the large intestine is like a U-tube put upside-down, you can easily work
out helpful positions and movements. For example, you can pull the belly in
and out, shake it to the sides or down and up, massage it. You can also rise
your heels and immediately let them down hitting the floor (shaking the
After the time from a few seconds to a few minutes of these movements and
positions, push all the contents out. Your imagination can help also in case
of this activity. For example, in order to pull out all the water from the
ascending part of the intestine (on the right), you can put the feet on the
wall and then rise the belly up, even up to the vertical position. In this
position pull the belly in and out a few times. Then turn on the left site and
move the feet down. From this lying position (on the left), at the same time
rise the buttocks and pull in the belly, but keep the head down. Then squat
and throw out the intestine contents as much as possible.

Repeat theprocedure as many times as needed, so that all the water will flow out (2 to
5 times). Then you can, again, pour in water and repeat it all.
To master the described method of intestine flushing, one needs to exercise.
This is an efficient method for cleaning the intestine's sides, removing the
fecalith and bringing back the right functions of the intestine.
Some people wash the intestine with urine, herbal infusions, coffee, water
with lemon juice or other liquids. This may be a good idea in some cases,
especially when you want to give the body a painkiller (caffeine), a
medicine (herbs), a substance softening the gum-like mucus. In the past a
soap solution was used, but this is not a good idea as it irritates the intestine
and poisons the body. According the the principle, that the simplest
solutions are the most efficient ones, most often the ordinary water is
If you intend to make a dry fast, first carefully wash the intestine. Start the
washing at least a week before you stop drinking — this period is a fast on
water only. Before you stop drinking, the large intestine must be clean
inside. Thanks to this it is much easier to live without water, because the
body needs it much less, comparing with the time when the body is
removing toxins (which entered the body from the intestine).

On the second or third day of fasting you may want to cause diarrhea. For
this purpose one eats herbal or non-toxic chemical laxative. One of them is
magnesium sulphate (Epsom salts, about 25 grams). Also 100% pear juice
(about 1 liter bought in a store or produced by yourself) works well.
It is worth to remember that many people have abdominal pain after
drinking large amount of a pear juice. This can be quite painful, depends on
how long the person has been fasting before drinking the juice and what is
remaining in the intestine. After drinking the juice, strong spasms and
peristaltic movements occur in the intestine. If the intestine was not clogged
too much, the diarrhea will come within several minutes.
You can warm up about one liter of pear juice. Then drink it all within or
less than five minutes, but not too fast so that you do not cause vomiting.
Pear juice used in this way is effective for a few hours. This may be
unpleasant, the person may feel bad all the time (could be most of
afternoon) because of abdominal pain, headache, “hits of energy”, etc,
depending how sensitive he or she is. Pear juice works quite suddenly,
therefore one to three days before using it, you better wash the intestine
with water (so that it is not clogged because if it is, the pain and the spasms
are stronger).
Of course, this does not happen in such a way in case of every person. There
are people who, with full intestine, if they drink one liter of pear juice, feel
not more than just a little rumble in the belly (which indicates that the
intestine is so large). There are also people who have nausea and feel very
strong pain having drunk only two glasses of the juice — this method is not
for them.
I have described this method for those who would like to try it and
experience, how it works in their case. If you are not sure, how it will work
on you, you may start from just one glass of the juice and see, what will
happen. In the next try you may increase the juice amount if one glass
works too week.

There are other methods for cleaning the intestine, not only the large one,
also the small one. Simultaneously the whole digestive track and the gall
bladder are cleaned. The most known and efficient method origins from
yoga. Describing it very briefly, this is how.
Make about 1% solution of salt in warm water. Drink one glass of it and
make proper exercises, which push the solution until the anus. Then you
drink a second glass and repeat the exercises. You repeat this procedure
until the solution begin to flow from the anus. First it looks like a diarrhea,
then brown water and at the end it will be clear. Then, to finish, you drink
two glasses of clean water only.
This works better if it is done not earlier than in the third day of fasting. In
case of most people this works well even if the proper exercises are not
done. Instead of the exercises you can make some abdomen movements and
pressing. Think that you are moving the solution from the stomach, through
the intestines, until the anus.